
Change the campus,
change the world.

We are passionate about reaching young people. Research shows that not only the majority of those who become Christians, do so as students, but also that major movements, bad or good, start on the campus and that the students of today become the leaders of tomorrow.

In Every Nation Belgium we are committed to reaching the campuses with the gospel. We do this through investing in students, small groups and missions. 


If you are a student, we would love to meet you during one of our Sunday Services or in one of our student small groups.

A student small group is an exciting place where you can come as you are, ask all your questions and grow in a relationship with God. It is a little group of three or more students that meet together in a dorm (“kot”),  at church or another place. They spend time together, learn more about God, study the Bible and pray together. 


If you are a teen, we have a special place for you during our Dutch Family Service where you get to have fun,  food,  fellowship &  get to grow in a relationship with God. 

Join a student small group