
We give because we are thankful

- 2 Corinthians 9:7 

The heart of generosity

Those who make Every Nation their local church contribute to the life and work of the church in many different ways.
We believe that we serve God with more than just our hearts and an attitude of thankgiving. Worshipping God is done through giving our time, our talents and our physical wealth.

To realise the vision of Making Disciples and Raising leaders in Europe, we need all the resources God has made availabe to us. This will take people, knowledge, finances and other resources to plant churches and campus ministries in the cities of Europe.

Our board of directors are faithfully managing the funds that are given to this church to make sure we are diligintly keeping to the laws of the land and the vision God has called us to. We are greatful for each person who is generous with their tithes and offerings.

Ways To Give

Give Online

BNP Paribas Fortis
Account: Every Nation Belgium VZW
IBAN: BE87 0018 2049 5794
Reference: OUTREACH

Give In Person

You can give in person through the enveloppes available at your outreach groups Sunday service.

How do we manage our finances?

From our income we also give to others:
  • 5% Every Nation Ministries International
  • 5% Every Nation Ministries Europe
  • 2% Compassion Children
  • 2% Help to the needy
  • 1% Church Planting
  • 5% Saving

Have questions or need help?

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