Blessed To Be a Blessing - Blessed To Be a Blessing

Oct 13, 2024    Tabitha De Wachter

As we continued with our series last Sunday, we looked at what it means to live blessed and to be a blessing.

In Genesis 12 God meets Abram and said "I want you to leave your house, your land and your family and go to a place I’m going to show you. I will bless you and make your name great and you will be a blessing to all the nations" (paraphrase Gen 12:1-4). Abram needed to let go of the things that gave him security (land, house, family) and trust that God is who He says He is: an abundant God who will bless him. However the abundance and the blessing was never to be stored, but to be a blessing to the world around.

How we look at this world; whether through the eyes of scarcity or through the eyes of abundance provided by God, will determine our generosity. Jesus calls us to look at this world through the lens of a God who is a generous host who deeply cares about us and who calls us to represent Him to the world around us (Luke 11).