Blessing & Releasing service
Jun 23, 2024 • Trevor Botha
We took a break from our purpose series for a very special Sunday as we blessed and released the Botha family. After having planted Every Nation Gent, send out Joyce and Elvis to plant a church in Lisbon and started the outreach groups in Terneuzen en Luxemburg, they are moving back to South Africa.
Trevor preached a powerful message about eternal values out of Ecclesiastes.
Ecclesiastes starts off with 'Vanity of vanities, says the preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity! (Eccl 1:2) The original word that is translated 'vanity' means 'smoke, vapor, breath. Smoke is tangible, but has no substance. The question we all have to ask ourselves; is my life build on smoke, or on the solid rock of Jesus.