Special Sundays - Campus-Reaching Churches
Last Sunday we had Aoife, our Every Nation Europe Campus Director, sharing campus ministry updates from around Europe and how it takes a family to reach the campus and the next generation. We have been called by God to make disciples and raise leaders in the next generation.
Each one of us can play our part by taking practical steps such as:
- Praying: for students and with students.
- Getting involved: e.g. leading a student small group, mentoring a student, preparing food for student events, - giving financially towards campus ministry, etc.
- Talking: to students before and after the service, to each other about campus ministry.
- Adopting or hosting a student: for lunch, dinner, in prayer, offering your spare room to a student, GO Year intern, or incoming missionary.
If you'd like to be more involved in campus ministry please contact Natanja at campus@everynationgent.org.