360° Honor: Honor Those Above You

Feb 17, 2024    Natanja Overdulve

We started a new series called '360 Honor'. It will be a four-part series where we will be looking into how honor functions as the principle of God's kingdom. It is not only the principle by which God's kingdom functions, but a principle that brings a reward with it. We started off the series by looking at how we can honor those above us and we saw that those above us can be political leaders, civil leaders, social leaders, family leaders and church leaders.

God not only asks us and advises us to honor those in authority, He actually commands us to honor them and that He has placed, called and appointed every single person that is in authority. We saw that we must honor them with our words, thoughts and behavior. Honor is not the same as respect. They are vastly different. Respect refers to appreciating or praising a characteristic or the accomplishments of someone. Respect is earned, but honor is given in line with a position someone has, whether that is being a father, a teacher, a doctor, a lawyer, or a cop. When we honor those in authority it is not just about our behavior, it is also about a willing submission of the heart. How is the attitude of our hearts and our thoughts, do we honor those above us?